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Liberal Democratic Party of Australia and Legalisation of Recreational Cannabis

Liberal Democratic Party of Australia and Legalisation of Recreational Cannabis

TheLiberal Democratic Party of Australia would like to implement a domestic wide recreational use of cannabis in all of Australia, not just certain Provinces. We also believe it should be legalised Australia-wide. They also think cannabis cuiltivation, transportation, manufacturing concentrates from cannabis derivatives should all be legal, throughout all of Australia.

Another milestone would be removing prohibition on agricultural hemp, and encouraging medical doctors to prescribe medical marijuana in Australia. We think the latter policy would really get the ball rolling.

We also believe selling cannabis and its derivitives to minors and driving under the influence should all be punishable by law. Let’s keep our roads safe and allow our children’s brains to develop properly. Once you’re 25, your brain has fully developped and it should be up to each Adult to decide if they wish to use medical or recreational cannabis. Road side drug testing with the latest technolgy is something we predict.

Your employer and private organisations will maintain power to ban cannabis from its premises and employees.

The main goal of the LDP is to stop interfering with private citizens in private settings.


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