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Get License Grow Medical Cannabis Australia

How to get a license to grow medical cannabis in Australia

Get license grow medical cannabis Australia. Now that Australian legislators have paved the way to a $75 billion plus industry, medical cannabis providers can apply for a license to grow medical cannabis. Australia has taken a different road to the US by legalising medical cannabis on a federal level and leaving it to the states to take their own approach. This is the opposite of the US where it is the states’ leading the way.

Medicinal cannabis regulation

There are multiple government cannabis regulators. Australia’s Office of Drug Control (ODC) deals with the licences and permits for growing and producing cannabis for medical reasons. Its role is to ensure medical cannabis is not diverted to other purposes other than what the licence or permit granted stipulates.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regulates the quality and access to cannabis products. The TGA and ODC are sections of the Australian Government Department of Health. Together they form the Health Products Regulation Group.

Get License Grow Medical Cannabis Australia and Print Your Own Money

Australia’s federal government is solely responsible for medical cannabis cultivation and production. They leave it to the states and territories to jointly regulate cannabis products and patient access to them. So far Victoria and New South Wales have changed their legislation to allow for medical cannabis trials. Queensland has legislation in progress to legalise medical cannabis.

Licences and permits to grow medical cannabis

To legally grow cannabis for the medical market you need a licence and a permit. But, you will only get a cannabis growing licence if you are supplying to a producer or researcher who hold appropriate licences.

Get License Grow Medical Cannabis Australia

So, what is the difference between a licence and a permit:

  • A licence allows the cultivation and production of medical cannabis. Once you receive the licence, you need to apply for a permit. Without a permit, you cannot legally grow cannabis. A licence allows you to buy equipment and stock, and setup up your business.
  • A permit details the:
    • type of cannabis plant you can grow
    • how much you can grow
    • timelines you have to meet
    • manufacturer or researcher you are supplying (you must have a contract in lace at the time of applying).

Applying for a licence

If you think the government makes it easy to get a licence, think again. There are a lot of requirements you need to fulfil. Your suitability to hold a cannabis licence depends on the suitability of your business associates. This also includes friends and family. You also need to provide details of the grow site and its security as part of your application.

Are you suitable?

You need to meet the government’s test to see whether you are a ‘fit and proper person’ to hold a licence. This is an important part of obtaining medical cannabis licence. You have to supply information such as:

  • Criminal background. You will need to supply all details of past criminal convictions. You also need to declare any involvement in a serious crime in the past 10 years. (If you have engaged in behaviour that is a serious crime your application will fail.)

Exemption for Supplying Cannabis for Medical Use

Note: You can apply for an exemption for extraordinary or special circumstances if you have been involved in growing or supplying cannabis for medical use. This is possible as long as you have not been involved in a serious crime.

  • Previous regulatory breaches. You must disclose previous regulatory reaches or civil penalties received in Australia.
  • Suitability of business connections, friends and family. You must disclose relevant information about business associates, personal connections and family members.
  • Business experience and financial matters. You will need to show you have the experience running a stable business. They look into your previous business experience, and check into your financial situation and funding sources.
  • Security requirements. You must show you can meet the government’s strict security requirements. This is to address the government’s worries about cannabis ending up for sale on the black market. Security must cover all aspects of the process – storage, handling, transport and transfer to a third party. Licence applicants must show plans for the following security components:
    • personal security of staff and sub-contractors on site
    • physical security of the crop and its location and equipment
    • information security.
  • Other considerations. There are a range of other considerations the government requires as part of the licence application.

Unlimited License To Grow Medical Cannabis in Australia

The Australian government does not limit the amount of cannabis licences it grants. Individuals can have unlimited permits issued under one licence. Never been a better time to get license grow medical cannabis Australia.

Keep in mind, this is only for medical use. Using a licence or permit for anything other than what is in the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 is a criminal offence.

The Best Strain For Growing Medical Cannabis in Australia

Aussie Blues is the best strain for growing medical cannabis in Australia. I pretty much the best weed you can grow in Australia and it have a wonderful aroma and taste and a clean potent high. You can’t find much better for the price and it’s acclimatised for growing outdoors or indoor in Australia.




7 comments on “Get License Grow Medical Cannabis Australia

    i wish that they would allow us to write our names legally, as thats what our parents named us as it was important and thats how our names are legally written on our birth certificates, so when a site does allow for a person that has a hyphen in their name legally and will not continue or proceed until that hyphen is removed they are forcing us to apply false information and even a type of fraud as that is not our legal name.. it may not be important to most as the do not have a hyphen and would not think of these things at great length, i didnt think it would affect me as it has but my name was very very very special to my mum whom had to give birth to me all by herself as my dad was out getting drunk with his friends and he could not be reached….so his brother and sister, my uncle kierin and auntie ann took my mum to the hospital and stayed with her until after i was born and this is how i got my name as my mum was so happy and grateful that they stayed there with her after my dad still wasnt thier after my birth either, although he is the one that convinced my mum to have another baby as he wanted a little girl after 4 boys. my mother was told after my last brother that it would be very dangerous for her to have another baby after him as there were many difficulties with his delivery, my mum also wanted a daughter and so she agreed even though she already had 4 boys and my eldest broth is only seven years older than me and was all alow most the time as my dad would go out all the time and not come home for days, so she named me KERRY-ANNE kerry short for keirin and anne self explanitry. its disrespectful i feel to not say or write my name the way my mother named me which i am so glad as my dad was going to name me a named i wouldnt want….lol.. so can we please see if we can allow people like me to write thier name as they were named legally or sentimentally please

  2. kerry anne martin

    WTF does having the best high from growing this strain of cannibis for medical use have to do with producing medical cannibis oil
    or are you try to say that the amount of percentage of thc that this strain provides is the most suitable to produce medical cannibis oil

  3. Peter Molloy

    Hi : because of a back problem, I have had to dispense with my joy of growing finger limes as my necessary need for income under the governments GST rebate scheme. I will follow this up with mygov. Thank you for the references you have.

  4. Adrian Silvester

    I am seriously considering getting some way of growing medical marijuana. My wife is already on a script from Dr to have oil, but it’s so expensive. I just want to grow a plant or two for her.

  5. Boun Lewis

    How do I start growing by getting ba license n permit? Yo grow here in Sydney

  6. Jessie

    Hello,to apply for these permits who must i speak with? So do i need to find a business that is allowed to use cannabis in there products?

    • admin

      If you’re serious then you should consider the help of a local lawyer to help you navigate through all the regulations. It’s very complicated and time consuming.

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