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CBD from cannabis reduces Covid-19 lung damage

Cannabis Reduces Covid-19 Lung Damage

The next research speaks of positive effects for seriously ill people. Since the beginning of the global corona pandemic, various scientists have researched the possible advantages of treatment with active ingredients in cannabis. Most recently, the research on mice made headlines, reporting that one hundred per cent of mice treated with THC survived artificially induced acute lung failure, which fueled hope in the fight against Covid 19. Now there are the next research results from the Dental College of Georgia and the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, where cannabidiol – i.e. CBD – again demonstrated effectiveness against the symptoms of Sars-CoV-2 disease that should not be despised. CBD from cannabis reduces Covid-19 lung damage.

Scientists used CBD for the severe symptoms of Covid-19 disease, as cannabinoid is already known to increase the amount of oxygen available while inhibiting inflammation. Now the researchers have proven that the use of cannabidiol promotes the production of the natural peptide apelin and increases its levels. Laboratory models have shown that the apelin level in the blood in ADRS (acute eye failure) is reduced to almost zero, but thanks to CBD it can be increased by around twenty times. Apelin is a ubiquitous peptide made by cells in the heart, lungs, brain, adipose tissue, and blood that is an important regulator in lowering both blood pressure and inflammation, explains Dr. Babak Baban, DCG immunologist and the assistant dean for research and the study author. ” CBD almost brought it back to normal levels, ” reported researcher involved, Dr. Jack Yu.

Apelin works with the angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptor (ACE2) to control blood pressure, but it is precisely this receptor that Covid-19 uses to penetrate human cells. Then the virus breaks the cooperation between ACE2 and Apelin and prevents the blood vessels from relaxing while it forces other cells to start reproducing the pathogen. The study’s authors now found that treatments with CBD somehow make it possible to revive apelin production in infected bodies to protect the lungs and even repair some of the structural damage that viruses like COVID-19 cause. However, the researchers point out that they do not yet know whether the coronavirus or CBD is directly related to Apelin, or whether the production of the peptide is a side effect of other body processes that take place during illness. Nonetheless, they also point out that previous research has shown the strong correlation with ADRS, mention the important role Apelin plays, and explain the beneficial effects of increasing Apelin levels from treatment with CBD. However, more research is still needed.

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