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Why is using a sublingual cannabis tincture best?

Cannabis tincture
Tinctures have been used for centuries to concentrate the active constituents of herbs, and the result is a dropper bottle filled with condensed molecules. Today, sublingual cannabis tinctures can be made and purchased as an effective method of dosing cannabinoids.


A tincture is an old-school type of herbal extraction that uses alcohol, and sometimes vegetable glycerin or vegetable oils, to extract the desired constituents from dried plant material. In the case of cannabis, alcohol is used to extract cannabinoids such as THC and CBD and aromatic terpenes from the flower trichomes. Finally, the liquid is separated from the buds by filtration, leaving a potent concentration of the desired molecules suspended in an easily administered base.

What makes tinctures very different from other ways of consuming cannabis,

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How to prune cannabis plants for better yields

Cannabis plants for better yields
Pruning your cannabis can be a great way to push it further than it normally would. Not only does this improve your skills as a grower, but it also allows you to get much larger yields from that sweet green bud!

Pruning is an age-old practice used in the agricultural world to improve crops. From hobbyists to home gardeners to large industrialists, everyone is pruning their vegetables to get better yields. Even the humble tomato plant produces larger fruit when pruned properly. So if it’s a technique that can, and is, applied to almost any fruit or vegetable crop, you can be sure it can be applied to cannabis – with excellent results.

Pruning, in its essence, is the art of removing unnecessary shoots,

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Simple Tips To Grow Better Weed

Tips to grow better weeds
Every grower wants to get the most out of their cannabis, so here are a few basic tips and consideration that will help you develop technique and make your way to becoming a veteran.

Like many hobbies in life, growing cannabis is easy to learn, but hard to master. It takes practice, patience, and great care to truly become a veteran grower of the cannabis community, but it is not necessarily difficult.

While there is no quick way to gaining these skill, we have put together a few basic tips to help you get the most out of your green Goddesses, and improve the yields and quality of your bud. Through tips like these, you can grow, experiment, and develop your own techniques for producing the best weed possible.

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Five myths about CBD oil

Myths about CBD oil
There are numerous myths and misconceptions about CBD oil. In this article, we will present the five most common myths about CBD oil so that you can be better informed. Enjoy and read on!


  • All CBD oils are the same

Not all types of coffee are created equal, are they? Cannabidiol is a complex natural substance that, in addition to cannabidiol, contains various other useful plant molecules such as terpenes, flavonoids, and other cannabinoids.

CBD oils that contain the same amount of CBD, but are derived from different plants, often have very different components. This means that different CBD oils will have different effects on your body.

Tip: When choosing a CBD oil,

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