

Australia's legit seed bank with domestic shipping

Australians Flock to Canada for CBD Treatments

Australia has made it illegal to use CBD oil treatments, even when the legal steroid treatment doesn’t work and has terrible side effects, especially on young children battling lung cancer.

Families are purchasing supercharged silver haze cannabis seed strains online that are specially bred to produce the best THC/CBD combination for the best healing effects.

It was the only way to get the CBD Oil we needed to live. It’s so much effort, trying to hold a job when you’re caring for your critical condition children. Then you have to worry about the fuzz, growing cannabis to make medicine to save your children’s life. Both my children are dying, and the government took our CBD Oil away. We had no choice but to pack up our bags, sell our house and move to Vancouver, BC Canada for an unlimited supply of life saving medicine.

They certainly have struggled and taken on a huge financial burden to obtain the medicine they need to cure his children’s cancer.

Please tell you’re local Australian Mayor to de criminalize CBD oil and cannabis!

Australian Seed Bank